Friday, January 1, 2016

Lesson 1: The Essentials

你好!(Hello!)  I'm so glad that you want to learn this great language! So let's get started!

Below are a list of basic conversational phrases that you can start using from day 1.  Try to practice these as often as possible, as that is the only way to get better.  Here we go: your first Chinese words!

你好 - (ni3 hao3) hello

你好吗? - (ni3 hao3 ma5) how are you?

我很好 - (wo3 hen2 hao3) I am very good

- (qing3) please

对不起 - (dui4 bu4 qi3)

谢谢 - (xie4 xie4) thank you

不客气 - (bu2 ke4 qi4) you are welcome

认识你很高兴 - (ren4 shi4 ni3 hen2 gao1 xing4) nice to meet you

再见 - (zai4 jian4) goodbye

Phew!  That was a lot!  Don't worry if it seems overwhelming at first.  Trust me, it will soon make sense.

Congratulations!  You just got through your first lesson of Chinese!  If you can, the next time you see a Chinese person, walk up to them and say "你好!"  I guarantee you they will be very impressed and really happy to hear that someone is trying to learn their language.  I would say that is the best part about learning Chinese––since it seems so foreign, it is very quickly very rewarding.  Saying "谢谢" is a lot more cool than saying "Gracias."

Keep up the great work! 再见

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